Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Practice Prompts II at 17:15

Begin again, summon the hearers

Every town is my home town

I shall walk through frost and fire

No, forgive me

If you did not exist

I am sick, I am sick

The chair is empty

It is late afternoon, the light is weak

The stink of fox

This is what we see, that is what you feel

Notes in Latin

Nothing is lost but much is missing

Like a hungry bear in bushes

Why cling?

Now he is free of the earth

Drag him into the sun and let him sleep

Looking at my father's face

Mother, how long have you been watching?

You may promise anything

As far as I know I am not dead.

The light upon the wheat

Who can remember Arram?

This is where I fell

Then a formal feeling comes

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